Saturday, July 26, 2014

*deep breath* 


No, it’s not. But, in fact, and I’ve been preparing myself for this, it is maybe/never/almost always/ sometimes/not certain-- awesome to be a Jew. 

EVER. ALWAYS. EVERWAYS. That’s my new word. Getting jacked EVERWAYS is totally a thing. 

And it is totally a thing happening in my Facebook feed. Right now. Right. Fucking. NOW. 

I’ve been quiet about this entire thing for weeks. After the great Hobbby Lobby Outburst of 2014 I became wise to the way of keeping friends on Facebook. No one ever deleted me but enough people decided to personal message me or share their ideas in feed (the same ones they shared with me) with the world about how what I’ve been through and what I’ve done and what I support makes me a baby killer. 

But, like, they didn’t TAG me or anything. It wasn’t, like, PERSONAL. Not at all. 

I bashed back with my share of thoughts and battles were had. Fucking FACEBOOK BATTLES. 

It’s not worth it. So I quieted myself. According to Facebook I’m totally over the Hobby Lobby thing (I’m not). According to Facebook I have NOTHING to say about “illegal” immigrant children here from Central America. Also according to FB I have nothing to say about GMO’s, fair wages, minimum wage in America… 

I quieted myself because I wasn't going to do this. Again. Not with Israel. Because I suspect it sounds like this.

It actually sounds like this WITHOUT having said ANYTHING at all. 

In the past few weeks… 

I have had “friends” contact me to tell me that if I do side with Israel I am only siding with Israel because I am a Jew by CHOICE and that I feel that I HAVE to side with them to “fit in.” They've also let me know, as if I wasn't aware, as if Judaism has some how brainwashed me (like it brainwashed me into not eating bacon?), that it’s totally all right for me to be angry at Israel. 

Yeah, because us Jews (even of the by Choice variety) are really BIG ON FITTING IN! 

Shut up. You JERK. 

And I don’t know if you assholes fucking knew this, but like I’m already a little miffed at Israel (or rather the Jewish system currently enabled) that solidifies the standard that makes it impossible for me to make Aliyah. 

You don’t actually know what that means to me, do you? 

Do you actually care? Do you have any idea how much my heart is ALREADY broken? That for YEARS now, I’ve been struggling with people who tell me I’m not a “real Jew.” 

And you think I’m siding with Israel to… FIT IN? 


And I get privately accused of supporting an American President that isn't supporting Israel ENOUGH. Oh, lovely. The attitude of, “Well, you’re a democrat, Naomi. You VOTED for the guy who isn't the least bit concerned or extending a hand to help. If he were a better (republican?) President he’d MAKE America go in there and HELP. HELP NOW.” 

Yes. Um. Because all presidents ever do is MAKE American’s/ our Nation do stuff. It doesn't, like, have anything to do with Congress or anything. I don’t know if YOU got the memo in… GRADE SCHOOL… but we have, like, THREE branches to our government. 

Look into that shit. 

And like all three branches working in tandem might pull it together and somehow figure out a way to “help.” But, like, what’s the WORLD gonna say once we go and step OUR toes over the line? Because, I’m not history buff or anything, but, if I recall… don’t countries and nations sometimes THROW A ROYAL HISSY at us? The types of hissies that screw up our access to things like OIL or other natural resources (though, ahem, maybe if like, our President that can MAKE us do things could MAKE us invest in resources that are more worldly and not as exclusive… like, I don’t know… fucking SOLAR ENERGY… JUST SAYING). 

And you’re mad at me because I voted for a President that is MAYBE thinking about that kinda shit? 

Because I’m already pissed at him about a WORLD of stuff. To be fair, he’s the President of the United States of America. He get’s PAID for me to be pissed at him. All presidents get paid for that. To be fair, he can get paid for pissing off more people than he’s already ticked off. But he’s “working” on that or whatever. I’m not giving him a pass. I’m just saying. 

And gem of gems. 

Supporting Israel means I’m totally ok with war, dead civilians and makes me anti-Islam. 

shut your hole, when that happens on a personal message, I don’t respond. I ponder what the fuck is wrong with you that you don’t know who I am at all. And sometimes it doesn’t happen on a personal message. It isn’t ME that you’re targeting. It’s ALL of Israel. It happens IRL, on the feed, for all to see. It’s your right to share what you’ve read, how you feel. 

But you’re my friend and you don’t think about me. I’ve thought about you. That’s why I haven’t posted anything. Because I don’t want you to think (more than some of you already have) that I’m ok with this. 


People are dying and I am not ok with this. 

It’s just lovely when you post articles about how MORE people are dying on one side over the other. I’m upset about death on EITHER side. Here you are, posting this one sided argument, always the same side of the argument. Here I am, reading EVERY article. Sinking sometimes. Outraged others. And I never post anything in response or retaliation. 


War is Hell. 

And I didn’t want to make it worse. 


War is Hell. 

And now you know what side I’m on. You knew.
Many of you have WOUNDED me. 

Some of you aren't sorry. 
Some of you didn't know you were hurting me. 
None of you thought I’d take it so personally. 

God forbid any of you meant it. 

I was mindful in my silence, on this issue… because when you throw punches-- at me or not-- I can still get hit.

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